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Kopiere meine heimliche Formel für dein Leben.

Wedding at Fürstabtei Herford

Last summer we had the great pleasure to capture the two day wedding of Carolin and Christian. The first day was on Friday afternoon at the "Fürstabtei" in Herford. The group around the wedding couple was just intimate: the closest family and a few friends. Feeling to be part of the day is the best thing for us as wedding photographers, but feeling to be part of the day when it is such an intimate group is even more special. Have a look at this fun day, part 2 is following soon.

The new office

November the 5th 2012 I wrote quite an exciting blog post (exciting for me now). The post was titled "My first studio". I won't rewrite everything that I wrote back then, though all those words would just fit perfectly into this post. How I started my business from the living room, evolved to a little room in our flat and finally to the first space that I called "My studio". I was so very very proud of those few square meters (I think it becomes quite obvious when you read the old post). So much has happened since November 2012.  March 31st, 2014 I wrote a post called "Our new studio". It was the first step to combine the office and the studio into one place. It was very pretty and [...]

What happened….?

Wow I feel a big, big silence over here. The blog is silent. And it has all rights to feel empty and alone since the last time that I wrote a post is now six weeks ago. After blogging since 2 years continuously this has been the biggest break from the blog, without any announcement to it. I remember writing the last post on February 16th sitting in our dining room as the German Telekom already cut us off any internet in the former office but forgot to switch on the connection in the new office. I was so annoyed. Nothing with the moving came easily but the cut off the internet was the worst for me. So I gave myself the permission to take the time and rearrange to the [...]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.


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