Autoreise mit Kindern (2 und 4 Jahre alt)

Der Sommerurlaub stand an, doch wo soll es hingehen? Wieder die Niederlande, weil es erstens schön ist und zweitens nur 2,5 Stunden Fahrt bedeutet. Oder wollen wir uns daran wagen endlich in die Berge zu fahren. Wir sind das Wagnis eingegangen und sind bis ins Salzburger Land gefahren. Und wie hat es geklappt? Wirklich erstaunlich hervorragend. Die beiden haben das so toll mitgemacht, dass wir vor der nächsten langen Reise nicht zurück schrecken.

Autoreise mit Kindern (2 und 4 Jahre alt)2024-09-20T11:21:09+02:00

A classic wedding in Münster

She was nervous „Will the rain ever going to stop today ?“ Daniela Plesser was busy doing her beautiful bridal hair and Jana was worried for the weather forecast. I went upstairs to Uli as they both were getting ready in their home for their wedding day. „Don’t worry“, he told me „I [...]

A classic wedding in Münster2014-02-19T17:27:51+01:00

Cherry blossoms in Paris

They walked past the Eiffel Tour, her hand in his, the spring breeze is letting her hair fly when he stopped, kissed her cheek and whispered „I love you“ into her ear. I walked behind them hearing the shutter of my camera while smiling at this precious moment. Paris is always a good [...]

Cherry blossoms in Paris2014-09-09T11:21:11+02:00

Award Nomination for the BFA 2014 in the Netherlands

So I am back with very good news. The Dutch magazine Bruid & Bruidegom (also known in Germany as Braut & Bräutigam) announced the nominations of the “Bruidsfoto Award 2014″ and I am beyond proud and happy to tell you that one of my images has been nominated in the category “Bride & [...]

Award Nomination for the BFA 2014 in the Netherlands2014-03-25T11:49:10+01:00

2013 – business developments

This is the third and -  I promise – last post about 2013. Next to my personal experiences in the past year and our year in images I also wanted to tackle the point business decisions 2013. 1. Working as a team. […]

2013 – business developments2014-02-12T18:18:19+01:00
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