Wedding at Schloss Nordkirchen | Katrin & Franz

Happy Friday everyone.

Today I have a wedding for you from last summer. Katrin and Franz live in the South of Germany but decided to get married close to Katrin’s hometown. Schloss Nordkirchen seemed like a great location as, what I learned that day, they don’t have many castles to get married in in Bavaria. Katrin is an elementary school teacher and you will never see her not smiling or laughing. You can really understand why her students like her that much with her joyful soul. Franz is calm, a true Bavarian and not any less positive than Katrin. Joy and fun could have been the colorful topic of the day and even the Northern German summer (who is never a real summer) couldn’t harm the positive vibes of this couple.

We met Katrin and Franz the first time a week before their wedding for their engagement shoot and Katrin tried to describe their wedding guests: „It is going to be a colorful circus,“ and then he laughed out loud from her heart and Franz looked and her smiling with so much love in his eyes. I guess this moment sums up everything.


Weddingdesign: Annika Wietzorke

Wedding cake: Tortenmacher

Wedding shoes: Jimmy Choo




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