Yvonne & Philipp | Wedding photographer at the harbour of Münster
[quote]This day I will marry my friend, the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love[/quote]
To get married on the beach surely is the dream of a thousand wedding couples. Getting married on a beach in a city without the sea can still be the dream of hundreds of wedding couples. Realizing the perfect dream of an arrival at the ceremony with a boat, getting married on the beach and having sunny weather in a city without the sea and with a 89% rain danger in July is almost impossible. Yvonne and Philipp realized this dream at the wonderful location of the coconut beach at the harbour of Münster. Maybe it was just so perfect or the guitar played so beautiful or the free ceremony was just so personal and perfect for this wonderful couple but the groom couldn’t keep away his tears of happiness and joy when they finally said „I do“ to each other. It was such a wonderful ceremony and beautiful celebration at the EsCape restaurant just 300 meters away from the coconut beach. All the organization was again done by Annika Wiezorke. I am sure for Yvonne and Philipp this day will always be a keepsake the can look back to and be proud and happy about.
Thank you both for choosing me as your wedding photographer. I was a pleasure to be part of your special day and be able to capture these wonderful emotions of your day. All the best and happiness for your future.

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