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The marketing napkin: How to stand out in the crowd – part 2

Last week we took a little break and headed to Denmark to enjoy some solitude and breath a lot of fresh sea air. The week before I started a new mini series here on the blog The marketing napkin: How to stand out in the crowd. Part one was everything about to be unique and to do something different, something original instead of copying others or getting inspired by others. If you want to read that part head over here. So now you got that original idea. You created that one styled shoot that is different from all the boh0-vintage shoots that are out there at the moment, you created a special invitation that is different from all the water colored one's outside that every designer is creating, you created something from [...]

Garden Wedding |Katharina and Thomas

Hello and happy Monday out there. It is a rainy and grey day out there... just like February always looks over here in Northern Germany. To colour up your day a little a have a beautiful garden wedding to share with you. Katharina and Thomas realized their dream and celebrated their wedding in a huge white styled tent in their own garden. They arranged all their flowers on their own and paid so much attention to all the details. Both working in the gastronomy business and having seen many many weddings themselves they wanted their own day to be special and unique. I think everybody who is reading this from the wedding industry is just shouting AMEN behind their desk as we all totally understand what these two imagined for their [...]

The marketing napkin: How to stand out in the crowd – part 1

The marketing napkin posts have become a little less frequent but I can tell you I didn't stop thinking about this series. I sat down and thought what kind of advise somebody with a creative business or just as an starting entrepreneur might need to know to get started and then I realized that I needed to write this 3 part series within the marketing napkin series - a series within a series... like a story in "Bones" that takes 3 episodes to find the murderer (for those who don't know Bones, search for it and watch it). So here we don't want to find a murderer (luckily!). We want to get you and your business out of the crowd. While writing this it is already dark outside, the streets are [...]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.


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