2 Kinder, 1 Online Business, 1 Service Unternehmen für Autoren, 12 Romane und ein riesen Haufen Wäsche. Wie ich es trotzdem schaffe, abends mit meinem Mann Netflix zu schauen? Lade meinen gratis Guide herunter.

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Stop waiting …..

It is Monday again and I catch myself telling myself that today is a tough day because I have a long to do list and some phone calls to make, I have to get the groceries, to do the laundry and I also have two in person meetings. It will be just one of those days BUT TOMORROW I WILL.... start with the treadmill, eat healthy, sit and take time for myself, have quality time with Conrad without talking about work and so on.... Does this like your Monday this week (maybe without the quality time with Conrad....) ? I was feeling just like that on Monday evening while working late, skipping dinner, and just telling myself I just have to WAIT and then it will be different. And then this [...]

Autumn engagement session at the castle

Where should I start with this post? It is quite hard to describe these two wonderful people that we got to photograph for their engagement session last October. Meeting these two for the first time was like meeting old friends. Do you know when the atmosphere shifts from a client meeting to a relaxed talk and you know that this can only be the perfect fit? We had this feeling with Inga and Christopher at each and every meeting with them from the first appointment in our studio till last week when we met again at a wedding fair. Their engagement session in October wasn't any different from that. Apart from that we also planned the session on one of those perfect autumn days when the leaves were yellow and everything [...]

Three things you should think about when you run a business with a creative mind

When I started working fulltime in my business in October 2010 my days were just like I imagined them: I got up and changed into sweat pants and a comfy jumper, I made coffee and somewhere I started working - checking Facebook first of course as that was now allowed officially. I worked creatively on the things I liked doing most and took the afternoons to watch inspiring TED talks or online workshops. It was a wonderful time, I felt free and independent and oh so girlbossy. And then.... I started not picking up the phone, not answering inconvenient emails, not doing my accounting, not writing my blog, not doing the things that I maybe didn't like as much as watching those workshops and working on my creativity. Well let's face it: Being [...]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.


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