Call me corny.. being back to Paris

Let me tell you a secret: Paris is my favorite city in the world. You got me, this is not a secret I am obsessed with Paris and I already shared so many posts about Paris with you. This year we had the pleasure to come back to Paris for two photo shoots [...]

Call me corny.. being back to Paris2014-12-10T13:56:56+01:00

Travel: Scotland

It was in back in September I think. One of those cold and rainy days where you think that summer is over and you crave some cocoa and just want to cuddle up on the couch. I was sitting behind my desk listening to the raindrops falling on my roof window when I [...]

Travel: Scotland2014-12-02T17:07:46+01:00

Back from Scotland

We are home again after one month of wonderful traveling. The last 9 days in particular where special to us as we traveled through Scotland by train and discovered this beautiful country.  For now I just leave you here with a tiny preview of the highlight of our trip: the west coast line through [...]

Back from Scotland2014-11-24T15:06:24+01:00
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