Cherry Blossom Engagement Session in Münster | Kathy & Marco
Photographing several engagement sessions in the same city scares me. I am afraid to run out of creativity and just do the same things again. When Kathy and Marco told me they wanted to include their bikes into their shoot and take a walk through the park around the castle I was very excited because first I liked the idea of the bikes and second I didn’t know that part of the park.
We started walking and Kathy said to me „Around that corner there are some nice cherry blossoms.“ And when I saw them I was blown away so beautiful were all the pink blossoms on the trees. We walked and talked and stopped for a little picknick in front of the castle. Like usually I like to end in a little cafe to end the shoot and have a little more talking about their story and the wedding.
Kathy and Marco we loved spending the afternoon in Münster with you are we ar so looking forward to photograph your wedding in August !

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