Engagement Session in Amsterdam | Marina & Denis
They contacted me from Moscow to do their engagement session in Amsterdam and three weeks later we finally met. „Why didn’t you want to get your pictures taken in Moscow ?“ I asked them astonished when we met at Rembrandtplein in the heart of Amsterdam. My romantic idea of Moscow was apparently not even close to what the reality of the Russian capital is. „If you don’t want a billboard or advertisement in the back of every picture you shouldn’t do a photo session in Moscow.“ Denis explained me.
Denis studied in Holland for a year and so it was clear that Amsterdam was one stop on their honeymoon trip through Europe. We were lucky because the weather was just perfect for a session and the two of them came prepared with different outfits and red tulips which looked stunning with Marina’s purple dress. „I bought this dress just for the session“, she told me smiling. It was so much fun walking through the city and capture their love just two days after their civil ceremony in Moscow. Amsterdam is such a romantic city for engagement sessions. You will find creativity around every corner of the city. I feel so blessed on days like these to be able to photograph international couples and their love in the heart of Amsterdam.

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