Engagement Session in Tervuren Belgium | MC & Thomas

Engagement Sessions or Love Shoots are a great chance to get pictures taken in advance to the wedding. You can dress up like you feel and you can include accessories or special places that you wont be able to visit on your wedding day. It is casual and fun and you get pictures to use for the stationery or a special guest book.

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure to meet Marie-Caroline and Thomas for the first time. We met in Tervuren in Belgium to take an engagement session of them. We went to the park for the love shoot with a very special reason that you can clearly see below. After being together for several years now and owning a house Tom finally took the big step this winter to go down on his knees in mud and some snow to ask MC to marry him. He did this in front of a tree where he embossed his proposal into a tree. It was planned perfectly. His nephew who came with them was the perfect place to hide the engagement ring from MC’s curious eyes. She was enchanted and mesmerized by his creativity and planning of this special moment and said of course „I do“.
This special tree had to be part of their engagement session but not only the tree was a perfect accessory also the sun was just wonderful this afternoon. I can’t wait to capture the wedding of this wonderful couple.



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