Finds part 5 (the Christmas edition)
It is a gray Monday and I am sitting here finishing the Christmas sessions from last weekends that we do every year. Secretly I hope we would go and get our Christmas tree today but as Conrad is so busy with our bookkeeping I don’t dare to disturb him. So to get me away from my Christmas tree dreams here are my recent finds from the web.
I am so into risotto at the moment. I could cook and eat it every day. My pinterest is full of recipes. I might consider cooking risotto for Christmas this year.
Around Christmas it is a MUST to watch these movies for me: Tatsächlich Liebe , Liebe braucht keine Ferien
, Das Wunder von Manhattan
and Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel
(sorry my Amazon just knows the German titles Love actually, The Holiday and Miracle on 34th Street)
If you are searching for the right Christmas present for me you cannot go wrong with this armchair. It is just made for my studio and I already envision taking portraits in it and a small nap around noon….
Or if you want to give me something more small you cannot go wrong with these beautiful watches. Aren’t they just stylish, classic and timeless beauties?
This necklace just simple and chic stole my heart.
Are you still searching for the right Christmas radio station? Head over to Skyradio and just hit the button „Sky Radio Christmas“. It is just 120% the best Christmas music oldies and new songs (and you even might discover some Dutch Christmas songs that you didn’t know before). Conrad is avoiding my office since I am listening to this station since the last week of November… yes non stop.
This was my Christmas outfit last year.
Now I am busy finding one for this year.
What do you think of a new version of the glitter skirt?
As I love the color navy and sheath dresses this one would be a great choice too for Christmas.
And as I think you can never go wrong with a nice pencil skirt this one would be a nice option too. I am just searching for a skirt like that.
Click here if you want to read all my „Finds“ posts.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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