Wedding at Hof zur Linde
When your wedding season starts with one of the most romantic wedding locations in Münster, a personal ceremony by the water and two people that just lough and kiss all day AND you get to sit on the bridal table during dinner…. then you have done everything right. In this case we had done everything right being the wedding photographers of Kathrin and Andreas last year. These two are seriously two of the kindest people and they designed their wedding day just to suit themselves while pampering their guests with a beautiful day. Let’s start with the highlight of the day: the ceremony at the Werse. The Werse is a river that flows by the garden of Hof zur Linde and with the big trees and generous park around the Hotel it is the perfect location for a ceremony. Kathrin and Andreas choose their florist well as Blumen Dahlmann designed the arch of flowers and the wedding bouquet. The ceremony wasn’t moderated by a priest or a professional moderator, it was held by the two witnesses. In all those years being a wedding photographer I have never seen a ceremony as personal as this one and it was just perfect. Before boring you more with my enthusiasm about this day just have a look at this gorgeous day at Hotel Hof zur Linde.

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