Mexican-German wedding in Velbert | Daniela & Jorge
International weddings are always so much fun to photograph. Daniela and Jorge met several years ago in California when they were both still studying. Having a long distance relationship for a quite a time Jorge decided to move to Münster to live with his love in Germany and continue his studies there. There wedding was beautiful colorful with a keen eye for details and of course everything in two languages Spanish and German. I regretted that my Spanish had gone so bad the past years but luckily most of the guests spoke German or English with me.
Daniela was a stunning bride laughing all the time and enjoying her perfect day in life. She even went into a little river for some pictures. I was truly amazed by being such a brave bride.
Thanks for choosing me as your wedding photographer – I wish you a life full of laugh, love and sun like your wedding day.
Thanks to Conrad for being my second shooter on this day – some of the pictures below are from him.

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