Summer wedding at Kloster Malgarten | Anja & Flavio
I hope you are ready for some prettiness. The day of Anja and Flavio was just like their engagement session – very relaxed. These two are the most relaxed and at the same time fun people who are at the same time madly in love that I met so far. Planning a summer wedding in July you would expect a day of 30 degrees and a lot of sun – this day was different. But unlike every other bride, Anja stayed just relaxed and enjoyed her morning with her girls at home. While Flavio was with his best man preparing for his day. Their attire was carefully chosen: she had an exclusive two piece dress from Torrox in Hamburg and he had a tailor made suit. Everything made to fit them and their day perfectly. From the old church Kloster Malgarten they went to their rustical wedding location where a Portuguese dinner was served as Flavios mother comes from there. Just like their first dance, which wasn’t a classic waltz but a latin inspired dance. I love personal details and how Anja and Flavio followed their own story to create their own day.
Anja and Flavio it was a magical day to witness – just stay in love as you are and no clouds or raindrops can ever do you harm.
Thank you for having us
Wedding Dress: Torox Hamburg

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