Q&A: How to plan your blog (+ Freebie blog planner)
Since March I changed our blog strategy (you might have noticed I blog a lot more since then) and the most asked question I get since then in mentor sessions or in messages is: "How do you plan and keep up with your blog?" Blogging can be hard sometimes. Some posts might take you 20 minutes and others 2 hours but the more I blog the more ideas I get and as it is now part of my daily routine I love blogging a lot more than before where it felt obliged to write a blog post once a week. So this changed me and my relationship with my blog. I am not saying this is for everyone and it surely takes up a lot of time but for me it is definitely worth it. This blog is turning into one important part of my business and receiving messages and comments from people I would never expect to read my blog just makes me really happy.