Thomas & Fiona | Amsterdam

On the coldest days this year Fiona and Thomas got married in Amsterdam. Arriving from Hong Kong in Thomas home town it was quite a shock for them to see the snow and feeling -8 degrees. Brave as they wore we started their engagement shoot walking trough the beautiful city of Amsterdam and [...]

Thomas & Fiona | Amsterdam2013-08-14T19:57:04+02:00

Greek wedding in Germany

In July this year I was photographing the fantastic and really big fat greek wedding of Sue-Ellen and Panos at Gräflicher Park Bad-Driburg. This huge wedding was again perfeclty organized by Annika Wietzorke. Even if I have seen quite some weddings this wedding was really special. In between the 350 guests, de perfectly [...]

Greek wedding in Germany2013-01-14T15:52:53+01:00

Engagement Shooting in Amsterdam

Am letzten Wochenende durfte ich ein wunderbares Paar in Amsterdam fotografieren. Die beiden sind durch ihre Berufe eigentlich immer unterwegs und in Amsterdam wurde zum ersten Mal ein Foto von ihnen als Paar gemacht. Die wunderschöne Kulisse von Amsterdam als Hintergrund zu haben hat der Kreativität natürlich sehr viel Freiraum gelassen. Nachdem wir [...]

Engagement Shooting in Amsterdam2012-06-11T09:51:32+02:00

Pictures of … me

A while ago I asked my collegue and friend Anouschka Rokebrand from Lifestyle Fotografie to take some pictures of me for my new website. The latest pictures I was using for my website were from the year 2001 or my latest vacation.So I was more than happy that she agreed and took some [...]

Pictures of … me2011-03-07T16:22:11+01:00
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