Gallery Series Part 5

It is Friday again and right before the weekend I have a new episode of my gallery series for you. If you want to see more posts of the gallery series click here: Gallery series. This image of Lily and Tom during their ceremony will always have a place in my portfolio. Lily's [...]

Gallery Series Part 52015-02-13T11:10:44+01:00

Gallery Series Part 4

Right before the weekend I have a new episode of my gallery series for you. If you want to see the other posts of this series and read what this is about click here. As you know we love all things classy, stylish and authentic on a wedding day. This image just represents everything [...]

Gallery Series Part 42015-01-23T13:32:16+01:00

Love after war

While we were moving I found this picture of my grandparents. It sits now in my dining room and they look at me and my life and though I cannot hear them I am sure they are happy for me and what I do. They sacrificed their youth to find love and become [...]

Love after war2015-01-26T18:01:20+01:00

Published on German Wedding Blog „Hochzeitswahn“

I am flattered to see the wedding of Floor and Roeland featured on the German wedding blog Hochzeitswahn ! Make sure to have a look at this wonderful blog. […]

Published on German Wedding Blog „Hochzeitswahn“2013-01-14T15:53:36+01:00
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