Well, I have not been on vacation…

The moment when clients ask me how my vacation was because my blog is not up to date is the moment to realize I HAVE to blog because… I have not been on vacation.

Actually I have just been working …And as I sit on my own in this little place I have been quite busy.

There are so many beautiful sessions and weddings that I can’t wait to share with you I just need a moment to take my time to do it.

So just a little update for you what I have been up to instead of lying at a tropic beach.

– I have build a photobox yo offer to my clients soon (actually I watched other people build it… ) – more about this soon

– I have rented a small flat  to have a proper place to meet my clients in Germany – more about this soon

– I have photographed my very first Chinese wedding – and I can’t wait to share with you

– I have climbed the tower of Utrecht to photograph an elopement from Washington

– I started my very personal Bikram Yoga challenge

– I got back to running 8km (and I wont tell you the time)

– I started reading 50 shades of gray… which took quite some attention off my few spare time

– I celebrated my nieces 3rd birthday (and wonder every week how fast she grows)

– I said „good bye“ to my Canadian friend here in Holland who is leaving with her husband to move back to Canada

– well and besides this I was editing, doing album designs and photographing some fantastic weddings and couples that I will share here shortly


As I am turning 25 AGAIN this week I am just going to prepare myself to get closer to the big 3


Thanks for your patience and loyalty – as I still see visits to my blog every day.