A Mediteranean Wedding in Overveen | Bapke & Niels
Sometimes you can wear your winter jacket on a cold April day and still feel a Mediterranean atmosphere. It was a chilly day last Saturday but the spring sun already warmed up the beautiful Orangerie Elswout in Overveen. When I first saw that location I was totally in love with it but spending the whole day here was definitely a treat. Bapke and Niels met 10 years ago at the gym. She took the first step by inviting him to join her during a sport class. They became soon a couple but Bapke had planned to spend the summer in Greece in the house of her parents, as she does every summer. This summer had been filled with old fashioned letters, SMS and sometimes a phone call and in the end Niels came over to Greece to join her for the last weeks in the Greek sun.
Greece and the Mediteranean has been a huge influence for them. Niels even proposed in Greece after asking Bapke’s father for the hand of her daughter.
Bapke and Niels are the kind of people you can spend all day with. They are sweet, funny and have a great heart. This sunny day at this beautiful location was truly inspired by the lifestyle they like so much. Everything was relaxed, a jazz band played on the background, the huge doors of the location were wide open to the beautiful garden so the guests could mingle and enjoy the beautiful sunny day. The timetable was not filled up with a lot of activities but the whole afternoon was free for a reception with snacks and drinks and jazz music in the sun.
We are so grateful we could join you to photograph your beautiful relaxed day – see you soon !

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