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…with an eye and taste and talent acquired over a lifetime

If you follow me on instagram you might know my excitement every month when my Vanity Fair Magazine is in the mail. It is my favorite magazine and a true inspiration for photography. In this month’s issue „The annual Hollywood issue“, there is a three fold cover shot by Annie Leibovitz that makes every photographer heart jump and a portrait series by Chuck Close. The behind the scenes article „Calling the shots“ written by Krista Smith tells the story about those two photo sessions closing with one very impressive sentence which lead me to writing this blog post for you and inspire you as much as it inspired me :

„Each of the Polaroids took only seven to ten minutes to produce, but with an eye and taste and talent acquired over a lifetime.

Isn’t this the greatest compliment and valuation of work and talent for a photographer ? What do you think ?

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…with an eye and taste and talent acquired over a lifetime

Wenn du mir auf instagram folgst, dann kennst du wahrscheinlich meinen monatlichen Enthusiasmus, wenn die neue Vanity Fair in der Post ist. Es ist mein absolutes Lieblingsmagazin und eine echte Inspiration für Fotografen. Diesen Monat ist es die jährliche “ Hollywood Ausgabe“ und es gibt ein dreiseitiges Cover, fotografiert von Annie Leibovitz, das jedes Fotografenherz höher schlagen lässt und außerdem eine Portraitserie von Chuck Close. (mehr …)

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