Q&A: How to create a wedding album in InDesign using templates
Imagine album design would be easy and fun. You cannot imagine ?
I design all wedding albums myself and I do it in InDesign. In the beginning it was a hard process starting over again with each and every album. But then I found a way to save my designs as templates and reuse them for new designs. I think a wedding album should tell the story of a wedding in a clean and simple way. Some pages get more images like the reception and the dancing some pages get only one image to emphasize that moment. Anyway this is just my way of design for some it might be to simplistic or minimalistic but I like to look at a wedding album that focusses on the images and the story. To help you a little making the design of albums easier I created a little video about how to design in InDesign using templates and how to save your own designs. Underneath this video I also offer you my templates as a download for free. I hope it helps you making the album design process easier and more fun for you, because after all we are entrepreneurs and every step of our work should be fun shouldn’t it ?
PS I am using InDesign version CS 5.5
If you want to know how my clients check their album design head over to this post about Albumexposure.
Free Download:
Jennifer's Album Design Templates
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