People that influence me: My niece | Meine Nichte – klein aber so weise

Meine kleine Nichte Lynn(klick hier um sie als Baby zu sehen) ist noch nicht einmal 2 Jahre als aber sie kann mir schon Dinge beibringen: Das Leben ist einfach. My little niece Lynn (click here to see her as a newborn) is not even 2 years old and she already teaches me great [...]

People that influence me: My niece | Meine Nichte – klein aber so weise2011-02-28T19:09:32+01:00

Family Shooting in Soest | Childrenphotography Utrecht

On a wonderful day in this autumn I was invited to capture Chris and his family in Soest, Holland. Chris just got two years old and little sister in 2010. We went to a small wood next to their parents house to get some natural pictures of him and his family. This sunny [...]

Family Shooting in Soest | Childrenphotography Utrecht2010-10-27T15:49:00+02:00
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