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For photographers 2014


Now Christmas is really around the corner and I can finally start with my favorite posts of the year: the "this has been 2014 posts". And I am starting theses posts with a series for photographers who have some time between the holidays and search for some business inspiration. These have been our posts [...]

For photographers 20142014-12-22T15:59:15+01:00

When you feel like quitting think about why you started.


  This week I posted this quote on our workshop Facebook page. And the moment I posted it it got me thinking a little more.   Why did you start your own business? Why did you start being a signature brand photographer? Did you ever think about this? Because for the love of [...]

When you feel like quitting think about why you started.2015-07-14T15:36:38+02:00

Zeit- und Lebensretter Teil 4: Coschedule


Eigentlich dachte ich, dass meine Serie über Zeit- und Lebensretter , die dir helfen sollen dein Business noch besser und effizienter zu machen schon beendet wäre. Aber dann passierte folgendes: Meine Freundin Lelsley erzählte mir von Coschedule und sagte, dass es mir unglaublich viel Zeit beim einplanen meiner Posts und Social Media Beiträge [...]

Zeit- und Lebensretter Teil 4: Coschedule2014-12-17T12:10:58+01:00

Q&A: How to create a wedding album in InDesign using templates


I design all wedding albums myself and I do it in InDesign. In the beginning it was a hard process starting over again with each and every album. But then I found a way to save my designs as templates and reuse them for new designs. I think a wedding album should tell the story of a wedding in a clean and simple way. Some pages get more images like the reception and the dancing some pages get only one image to emphasize that moment. Anyway this is just my way of design for some it might be to simplistic or minimalistic but I like to look at a wedding album that focusses on the images and the story.

Q&A: How to create a wedding album in InDesign using templates2014-11-24T15:47:49+01:00
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