Engagement session at the botanic gardens in Münster | Martina & Lars

It is that time of the year again. Before the wedding season starts we enjoy some time with our wedding couples during their engagement sessions. And the funny thing about this this year is that we have planned several one in Münster and we start to discover this city that we call our home again. Last week we met with Martina and Lars at the botanic gardens in Münster and though we have photographed weddings there before this time we took time to really walk around the whole garden area and found the most special places to photograph.

Engagement session at the botanic gardens in Münster | Martina & Lars2014-05-01T17:09:48+02:00

Published real wedding in German wedding magazine

Last week I got a little package with the new issue of the German issue of „Braut & Bräutigam“ on my doorstep. I couldn’t wait to open it and see one of my weddings featured in it. The wedding of Tabea & Christian has been featured on three pages. […]

Published real wedding in German wedding magazine2013-01-14T15:53:13+01:00
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