The ring pillow

When you plan your wedding day there are a lot of things that offer a gazillion options you can choose from: flowers, dress, location, stationery to make your day look just as you want. This year we realized one thing when our brides showed us their ring pillow which didn't fit their style [...]

The ring pillow2015-07-23T14:50:03+02:00

Wedding albums

"I imagine you years in the future flipping through your wedding album remembering the day with tears of joy in your eyes, pointing at a picture and whispering "Do you remember...?" That is what inspires me. To tell your story of your wedding day, through my photographs. That is why I photograph true love, stolen moments, the small details and authentic portraits so that they are preserved for you, your children, and your grandchildren for years to come." This is not just any quote this is the quote you see right on the home page of our website. It is sort of a mission statement and I truly believe in those words. I believe in albums and I am happy that almost every wedding couple of us takes an album of their wedding pictures.

Wedding albums2014-08-01T14:21:23+02:00

Things I love: mats

Actually this post should be called: Things I adore but that sounded kind of sneaky. But I truly adore mats. When we are in a museum or in a gallery shop where you can buy prints of photographs or other artists and I see one in a mat I am almost sold. Luckily I don't buy all of them but seriously I think there is nothing like a simple mat around a picture. It frames it, it is the finishing touch and it gives it a better feeling. Specially today when prints or digital images lost a lot of their value compared to years ago I think a mat gives the image value. That is why I really love so sell my prints in a mat to my clients. Everytime I ship matted prints to my clients I cannot wait for them to receive them. To see, feel and touch their picture perfectly finished in a mat.

Things I love: mats2014-05-27T12:39:04+02:00

Featured Friday: Hochdruckgebiet – wonderful letterpress art

I was searching for a good letterpress printer for quite a while. I was searching all over Germany and even in Europe to find a company that I wanted to work with. I was searching a printer for my own stationery as for recommendations to my clients. Letterpress is a very special kind [...]

Featured Friday: Hochdruckgebiet – wonderful letterpress art2013-01-14T15:53:28+01:00
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