Headshot Session at the beach | Eva

Every now and then we step out of the wedding corner and do something different. When Eva wrote me she got referred by one of my favorite brides from 2010 for a new headshot that was out of the box, lifestyle and not like all the other white-backgdrop-business portraits I couldn't resist but [...]

Headshot Session at the beach | Eva2014-06-26T12:02:50+02:00

…with an eye and taste and talent acquired over a lifetime

If you follow me on instagram you might know my excitement every month when my Vanity Fair Magazine is in the mail. It is my favorite magazine and a true inspiration for photography. In this month’s issue „The annual Hollywood issue“, there is a three fold cover shot by Annie Leibovitz that makes [...]

…with an eye and taste and talent acquired over a lifetime2014-03-10T12:56:35+01:00

New brochure by Jennifer Hejna Photography | Portrait and Wedding Photography

Two weeks ago I have participated at a small fair of weiper friseure in Germany. Like usual I get the best ideas to present myself just two days before the event. So I ordered new brochures to show my portrait and wedding photography work. As I could have expected the brochures arrived a [...]

New brochure by Jennifer Hejna Photography | Portrait and Wedding Photography2013-01-14T15:52:49+01:00

Pictures of … me

A while ago I asked my collegue and friend Anouschka Rokebrand from Lifestyle Fotografie to take some pictures of me for my new website. The latest pictures I was using for my website were from the year 2001 or my latest vacation.So I was more than happy that she agreed and took some [...]

Pictures of … me2011-03-07T16:22:11+01:00
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