The best way to self sabotage yourself from making this year any better than the last

How about your new year resolutions? Are still in the game or do you already start finding excuses? "Well I can still workout tonight." "One pizza doesn't harm. Specially because I ate so healthy last week." "Just one more episode on Netflix and then I'll start reading." "I deserve one piece of chocolate [...]

The best way to self sabotage yourself from making this year any better than the last2017-01-12T16:34:25+01:00

Why not me?

"Why not me?" Did you ever have that sentence in your mind looking around and seeing others who "made it" or who just live the life that you want to have. You look at people having an extremely successful business, living the lifestyle of your dreams, wearing the clothes that you cannot afford. [...]

Why not me?2016-06-23T12:38:53+02:00

The curse of perfection part 2

I searched back in my blogposts to find this one: "The curse of perfection". And I wouldn't search for it if it wasn't the thought that kept in my mind. Why does everybody need to be perfect? What is it that we cannot accept anything but perfect? I listened to two girls at [...]

The curse of perfection part 22016-04-12T13:59:24+02:00

Stop waiting …..

It is Monday again and I catch myself telling myself that today is a tough day because I have a long to do list and some phone calls to make, I have to get the groceries, to do the laundry and I also have two in person meetings. It will be just one [...]

Stop waiting …..2016-01-18T18:23:21+01:00
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