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Time and Life saver part 5 – dropbox and google drive


So this morning I thought about it was time for a new episode of time and life savers as the last episode has been in December 2014. When I wrote down the two "savers" that I wanted to share with you today I immediately thought this episode should be called "the sharing episode". [...]

Time and Life saver part 5 – dropbox and google drive2015-09-23T12:19:09+02:00

Time and Life savers – Part 3


Before I wrote the first part of this little serie called "Time and Life savers" I wasn't sure if anybody would read it at all. Thank you for the great feedback. With every comment and message about how those posts helped you and you started using one or several of those programs and that they saved you time and helped your workflow really made me happy I helped somebody with these posts. So here is part 3 of "Time and Life Savers"

Time and Life savers – Part 32014-05-27T13:15:48+02:00

Time and Life Savers – Part 2


This is the second part of my tips for time and sometimes even life savers for your business. You can read the first part here. The first two programs were about saving time during blogging and saving inspiration the second part is about two programs that save me time during the workflow with [...]

Time and Life Savers – Part 22014-04-23T18:07:54+02:00

Time and Life Savers – Part 2


Dies ist der zweite Teil meiner Tipps, die euch in eurer Firma viel Zeit und manchmal auch das Leben retten können. Ihr könnt den ersten Teil hier noch einmal nachlesen. Im ersten Teil ging es darum, Zeit beim bloggen zu sparen und seine Inspirationen zu sichern. Im zweiten Teil geht es um Programme, [...]

Time and Life Savers – Part 22014-10-02T20:31:02+02:00

Time and Life Savers – Part I Evernote and Blogstomp


Während des Abendessens mit einigen befreundeten Fotografen haben wir sehr viel über das Thema Zeit gesprochen. Was ich dort immer wieder gehört habe war: “ Ich habe einfach keine Zeit zu bloggen. Ich habe einfach keine Zeit meine Bilder innerhalb von 2 Wochen zu bearbeiten. Ich habe einfach keine Zeit… “ Wir sind [...]

Time and Life Savers – Part I Evernote and Blogstomp2014-04-11T16:08:59+02:00

Time and Life Savers – Part I Evernote and Blogstomp


Having dinner with some photographer friends we talked about time. What I heard most of the time „I just don’t have the time to blog, I just don’t have the time to edit within two weeks, I just don’t have the time…“ We are all busy I totally get it but there are [...]

Time and Life Savers – Part I Evernote and Blogstomp2014-04-11T16:08:11+02:00

Time & Life savers Part 4: Coschedule


Actually I thought my series about time and life savers that will help you run your business better and faster was already done. But then this happened: My friend Lesley told me about coschedule and how much time it would save me planning my posts and social media so I couldn't resist and tried [...]

Time & Life savers Part 4: Coschedule2014-12-16T17:40:32+01:00

Zeit- und Lebensretter – Teil 3


Bevor ich anfing den ersten Teil dieser kleinen Serie zu schreiben, war ich mir nicht sicher, ob sie überhaupt jemand lesen Würde. Danke für euer großartiges Feedback. Jeder Kommentar und jede Nachricht darüber wie euch meine Posts geholfen haben und das ihr angefangen habt, eins oder mehrere Programme zu benutzen und das sie euch geholfen haben Zeit zu sparen und euren Workflow zu verbessern, machen mich wirklich sehr glücklich, weil ich weiß, dass ich jemandem mit diesen Posts helfen konnte. So here is part 3 of "Time and Life Savers"

Zeit- und Lebensretter – Teil 32014-05-27T13:20:06+02:00

The business posts 2015


Oh I can hear the reindeers coming closer and closer and listen to Christmas songs in the office all day. This year has been so exciting that I almost cannot believe that 2016 will be even more exciting for us. So to start our all year favorite series here on the blog with [...]

The business posts 20152015-12-15T17:56:28+01:00

Posts für Fotografen 2014


  Now Christmas is really around the corner and I can finally start with my favorite posts of the year: the "this has been 2014 posts". And I am starting theses posts with a series for photographers who have some time between the holidays and search for some business inspiration. These have been our [...]

Posts für Fotografen 20142014-12-28T17:58:53+01:00
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